Graynet-Photo & Movie-Exif

Exif? Igujifu? Is it delicious?

What is Exif (Iggiv)?
For example, 'Shooting equipment and shooting date'
I mean standards for Recording Various Information

It is recorded like Document I, and it is possible to confirm and delete the information on PC.
(Incidentally, this is This is Exif in photo I on the previous page. That photo was taken with iPhone X. )
The manufacturer and model of the camera are displayed.
Document I
I learned on the previous page.Geotags
"The GPS function of the imaging equipment
Location information recorded in the photo data "

Document II

I don't need "Exif"!

To you who say such a thing

Exif has a lot of information, including geotags.
The geotag allows the location of the photographer to be determined.
The danger has been pointed out because stalking can develop into a crime.

If you turn off the GPS function of the camera before taking a picture, it will not be geotagged.

Learn how to delete Exif data.
If you want to remove the geotagging later, you can do it this way.

Let's have a picture of PC and "Exif" before deleting and work together!

(I use Windows 10 this time.
For the protection of personal information, some items are hidden.)

Document I
Select the photo you want to delete the Exif data.
Right-click - Properties (will display the Material I screen.)

Document II
Click "More" at the top of the property, then click
Click "Remove properties and personal information" in the lower left corner of the screen.

Document III
Click "Remove the following properties from this file".
Select the information you want to delete. When you click OK,...

Document Ⅳ
It's gone...!
(The item itself disappears from the geotagging.)

This is a relief!


  • "Exif (Iggiv)"... is a standard for recording various information such as 'Shooting equipment and shooting date' on the picture taken! Geotags are included!
  • Exif data can be easily deleted on PC! It's safer not to leave unnecessary information as much as possible!

Next, I recommend you to learn "Addiction" of "Present world"!