Graynet-IoT-Advantage & Disadvantage

But there are disadvantages.

IoT meant "Internet of Things" but literally means using the Internet.

I mean, "capable of being hacked or infected with Malware.
(For malware, go to the Security page .)

If your IoT device is attacked,
it can directly affect your life by causing unintended behavior (illegal operation),
information leakage, or invasion of your privacy.

In fact, there have been reports of malware " mirai " targeting IoT devices.

IoT is not invincible.
Therefore, when you buy a device that implements IoT functions, you need to consider its risks.

The number of IT talent is decreasing and the shortage is increasing.
※From SME Agency, -2018 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan
- Chapter 4 - Section 1 - Part 2

※The population of IT-related industries is estimated based on
the number of workers in IT-related industries
by age at the time of the survey and subsequent population movement forecasts.
※The number of talent shortages is based on
a mid-range scenario with a market growth rate of around 1.5 ~ 2.5%.
※Data labels were omitted for space.

There is also a lack of IT human resources.

In 2019, there was a shortage of about 270,000 people,
and in the future, there will be a shortage of about 590,000 IT human resources in 2030.
The same is expected for Iot personnel.

This lack of personnel can have a major negative impact when an unforeseen event occurs,
such as a small amount of damage.

Other demerits,
such as "If it's hacked,
it can act like a Cinema of Detective Conan
and "First of all, there are few people who know about specific security measures." were also mentioned.

It's pretty dangerous that few people are aware of security measures.

Let's take this opportunity to acquire that knowledge.
(Security is covered here.)

But there are still advantages.

"IoT" makes our lives more convenient.

For example, if you introduce it to a vending machine,
you can manage inventory remotely.
Coke ON also connects your smartphone to a vending machine and offers a variety of services.

You've been a great help to me!!!

We think " What Iot can do " will be an advantage as it is.

If Iot becomes popular in Japan where the population is decreasing as shown in the graph, you can do things that you couldn't do by yourself until now and solve the problem of shortage of manpower (Apart from the IT talent).

In addition, Iot has the potential to help you get a little closer to things you've never seen before.

※Image(Made by "Team Graynet")

※From Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau - Population Estimates - 2019 (2019) 10 Monthly Report
※Total population as of October 1 each year. It is an approximate value.
※The total population is calculated from the standard population (Total) + the natural population (Japanese and foreign nationals) + the social population (Japanese and foreign nationals). The "spontaneous kinetics" uses the number of births and deaths due to "vital statistics" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), and the "social dynamics" uses the number of regular arrivals and departures by Japanese and foreign nationals due to "immigration statistics" (Immigration Control Agency).


  • Of course, Iot uses the Internet, so it can be infected with hacked and malware. In fact, there have been reports of malware "mirai" attacks.
  • When implementing IoT features or purchasing a device, you need to consider risks.
  • Despite the IoT adoption, few people are aware of specific security measures. First, let's learn by ourselves.
  • There is a shortage of IT human resources. Such a shortage of personnel will have a major negative impact, such as a small amount of damage in the event of an unforeseen event.
    Do you want to be?
  • If Iot becomes popular in Japan, where the population is shrinking, it could solve the (Apart from the IT talent) manpower problem.

Next, let's answer "Quiz"!