Site configuration
1,Recommend Browser
We recommend "Google Chrome(Ver:78.0.3904.97 or more new version.)" . You can see our page from "Internet Explorer (Version11.0.155 or more new version)", and "Microsoft Edge (Ver:44.18362387.0 or more new version.)", but Google Chrome is good movement more than them.
2,Overall flow of the site
You will learn about "work style reform" through three chapter.
①You learn what working style reform (Japanese Government recommends) is.
On the chapter1, allows you to gain detailed knowledge of the work style reform that the country is promoting.
②See the current work style reform
On the chapter2, we will summarize what we have learned through actual interviews and e-mails with companies that have undergone distinctive reforms. Standing and thinking about work style reform.
③What is true working style reform for worker?
On the chapter3, we will think what working style to Japanese worker needs from chapter1 and chapter2.
3,About corresponding for smartphon
On our page, we set up a smartphone version of the menu bar so that more people can view it, so that it can be browsed on smartphones.
・On the top of the each page, There is picture that it was written the word "Japanese" on. If you click it, you can linked to Japanese page.
・If you click the logo mark on the top of the each page, you can back to the Top page.
・There is the description that you can know which description this page is.
・There is "NEXT:~" on the right bottom of the each page,"Back:~" on the left bottom of the each page. And "~" is the title of the each page.