TOP>Work styles by job type>Work styles by job type-conclusion

Work styles by job type-conclusion

 We interviewed people of various occupations. Based on these results, we will consider how to propose work style reforms tailored to individual needs.

 What we learned from the interview was

  1.   Working environment varies greatly by occupation
  2.   Just reducing time doesn't actually improve the working environment

 There were various ways of working, and the working environment was very different than we had imagined. On the contrary, some professions do not like it. I heard and understood.
As I also learned from the voice of the field, It seems that there are some occupations where time reduction does not make sense. No matter how much time was saved, the workload increased because the workload did not decrease.

2,Opinions on current work style reforms by occupation

 Let's ask these five people for their opinions on the reforms that work today.

How do you want work style reform to improve in the future?

 We do what we like and we also do research and other work. Therefore, it is an occupation whose time limit is loose. It may be troublesome if you end your research activities without permission . I want people in reforming countries to know where they actually work.

 We want to make the most of the current work style reforms. I think that time savings can be very beneficial by reducing waste.
Also, since we are very responsible jobs, it is easier to work if we can be private and sharp

 Isn't there a little unsatisfactory part of the current work style reform? Even if the time is reduced, the actual work load does not decrease, so it is burdensome.
I want you to focus on making things more efficient.

  We are in a tough situation, even if we say that we are saving time. Because just sharing the same time with the students would exceed the legal working hours.
I want the people of the country to focus on reducing their work while using the power of. I'm glad that I can have a private time, but we can't afford to change the way we work today.

 Work and private are considered separately. Because we work under a large organization called a company, the way we work differs depending on the department. So, if you can choose various working styles according to the situation, you can work better.

 I think these five people have different ideas. Future work style reforms will require a variety of work style proposals that take into account the other person.

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