

Today's dinner is a buffet at a hotel in Moreton Island!


Yes!I'm looking forward to it!


Do you eat a buffet?!?


Oh!I'm surprised!
What made you so impatient?


Food buffet style is very easy for food loss....


Certainly, I've never seen an empty plate for everyone at the buffet.


What do it do with the surplus food?
Let's ask the hotel people!




The buffet was very good!
But What do you do with the remaining food?


In order to avoid food loss, we have devised as much as possible that we do not need to throw away!



So that customers can eat as much as they want, always cook a large amount. So There are some foods that will not be served to customers.

The dishes in the kitchen that have n’t been put on the table yet,

it provided to staff in the staff room the next day.




It workspack in a container and take it homeby staff.

What could not be eaten in the staff room can be eaten at home!




Some foods that have already been served in front of customers and are not hygienic for staff to eat, avoid disposal as much as possible!

They are reused as food for microorganisms and are used as fertilizer for island plants.

Moreton Island's unique approach "to cherish nature"!




There are so many ideas!
Thank you for telling us!


It was good!This is safe!