Cause2:Consciousness issues


We have been thinking about food loss like this, what is the consciousness of others?


In the first place, some people may never know the exitence of food loss.


That means, we have taken a food loss questionnaire to our school students(Junior high school first grade~High scool second grade)!


School questionnaire

Total number:844

※From the aggregation status,removing3(10/7current)

Question1:Do you know the word "food loss"?



Some people learn in elective courses, and recently attracted attention in news. So more than half know!


However conversely 40% of people don't even know the word food loss.


First,I want you to know that there is a food loss problem.I think that calling for a measure doesn't make sense.




Qestion2:Are you interested in "food loss"?



It is about half-and-half, a little more "No".


They don't know that food loss causes many problems.So they may not have a sense of crisis.




Qestion3:Do you know about an organization called a "food bank" ?



It seems that most people do not know.


If we spread the structure of the food bank, more people will donate!