

Eliminate direct disposal

First, let's know the difference between the expiration date and the expiration date!



Use-by date:State in whichall qualities such as taste and flavor are maintained.

Best-before date:Expiration date when there is no hygiene hazard associated with deterioration if stored in a prescribed manner.



Be attracted to bargains and don't buy too much!
It ’s important to think about whether it ’s really time to use it after stocking.



Eliminate leftovers


Let's prevent problems such as likes and dislikes as well as "over-building"!

It is important to consider the quantity from the time of buying the material at the supermarket and buy only that much.

    ↓  If you make too much...

・Store in refrigerator and eat the next day.

・Put in lunch box.



Eliminate excess removal.


After buying it, you were terrified by emotions such as "It looks like it doesn't look good ..." and "It looks unhealthy ..." is wasteful!


It's too late after buying!
Think calmly and put it in the basket before you put it in the basket.
Impulsive buying is not good!


If the expiration date is still more than 2 months, donate to the food bank!