
About 821 million people are suffering above in the world.

On the other hand, in the world, about one-third or 1.3 billion tons of food is discarded, even though the entire population can produce enough food (about 4 billion) in one year.

In developed nations, food is dumped for food, In developing countries, there is a contradiction of lack of food and widespread energy.




food that was imported from developing countries and was thrown away as food loss in developed countries was passed to poor people in developing countries...


a lunch box thrown away at a convenience store at night is in the mouth of people sleeping on a nearby street...


the ingredients thrown away at restaurants go to poor children who can't eat at home...



Reducing food loss and reaching the people who really need it leads to

resolving hunger.


This site compares food losses between developed and developing countries, please take a look at the next page to know more!!