Let's act


Deliver food to food bank

Look! → What is a food bank?


I went to a food bank and was impressed that it was a really great way to do it!


Is there anything we can do to help?


In our school, why don't everyone in the school bring in extra food at home?


How nice!You can send the collected food to the food bank to prevent food loss at students and teachers' homes, and also help those in need!


we delivered food to the food bank!

Call everyone at school


Ask everyone at the school if they have extra food!


I want to explain the food loss itself and the food loss.


Let's ask the teacher to go around each class and get them to get explanations and extra food!



We are calling around each class.

Appealing how big a problem food loss is and explaining the efforts of Food Bank.

We asked each household to bring in any surplus ingredients.





▲ Leaflet distributed on the day



Everyone listened very seriously!
Someone came to ask a question about food loss.



Date of collection


Today is the day of collection!
Can you bring them all?


〈 Food actually gathered 〉




▲ Receiving



▲ Food gathered



Teachers, students and various people cooperated!
I'm glad I didn't throw away any products!


Many people talked about food loss on the day.
I'm glad that interest has spread!


School Voices

●The student who brought me

I didn't bring a lot today, but I still have the food I want to bring home.

My house is far from Food Bank Funabashi, but I have to go to Food Bank Funabashi to deliver it?

(We told you that food banks are everywhere!)

Find out if it's near my house and bring the rest myself!



●The teacher who brought me

I brought a tin of tea that seems to be wasted because there are too many in my house.

Please continue this activity positively!

(The second time following this one is under consideration!)



●Students who didn't have anything to bring

My house was surprisingly expired and no extra food came out!

When I asked my mother, I was trying to arrange foods in order from the one with the closest expiration date in order to thoroughly manage the expiration date and expiration date! I did not know!


When I searched, I found a lot of expired foods ...

By discarding a lot at once, I realized that it was more wasteful than usual ...

From now on, I'll be careful not to throw away food like this!




Of course, ideally, there is no extra food!
Many people seemed to reconsider the food situation of each family in today's efforts.
Hopefully this will help reduce food loss from everyone's house!



Delivered to Food Bank Funabashi!


We sent it to Food Bank Funabashi, who was interviewed before!


Thank you!
Regardless of the result, I think it's great just to ask a lot of people! The driving power is amazing!
After all, there are many people who are not interested in food banks yet, so I'm glad if interest spreads like this.


Nice words!
We will do our best to make the web and other efforts more popular!