Come on, next with you!~What you can do now~


Thank you for visiting this site so far.
Let's take a quick look at what we have done!


1.What is food loss?

● What is food loss?



● Food loss is causing many problems!




Food loss="Food wasted"
And it's a big threat to the planet....



2.Why dose food loss occur?



Developed countries   Developing countries
Too much out of spec
Production adjustment
Production Overproduction
Insufficient post-harvest equipmant
Appearance quality standard height
Seasonal products
Processing Insufficient processing facility
Lack of knowkadge
To fill the shelves
Dire and damage during delivery
Wholesale and retail Unsami
Distribution network issues
Food loss caused by industries of eating out
School lunch
Eating out Rarely occurs
Garbage from each household
Consciousness issues
At home Rarely occurs



In developed countries, due to abundance, "focus on appearance" and "pressure on missing items", in developing countries "lack of knowledge and funding", each was the main cause of food loss.



3.Let's see the countermeasures!


Japan Food Ecology Center Collect discarded products

Turning it into pig food!
World food day(Chiba north meeting) Event to think about world food.
The 6th meeting, in which we participated,
included a lecture on "Hunger Zero"
and a report on JIFH officers dispatched to Congo.
Food bank Chiba Collecting surplus food and food that cannot be shipped
to poor families throughout Chiba Prefecture.
Food bank Funabashi An organization that is even closer to the community
than Food Bank Funabashi.
They support the child-raising generation.
Australian measures In Australia, a school trip,
we covered the mechanism of food loss measures
different from Japan.



They worked hard to reduce food loss in different ways!
We want everyone to go!



What we can do!?


Everyone who has seen so far has surely realized that individual actions are important to reduce food loss!


And there is always something that anyone can do!


Here we go!Think about what you can do now!



What can you do??

● Try to change your life a little

〇 Leave no food

〇 Do not take the product from behind

〇 Check the contents of the refrigerator before shopping


● Participate / activate

〇 Try participating in various events

〇 Try to deliver to food bank


● Let's make a call

〇Now, talk to the nearby person about ofod loss

〇 Try spreading on SNS




Found what you can do?Come on, let's try!!


yHey guys!!!


You really thought well!
Thanks everyone in front of the screen for thinking together.


Finally only one.
It's up to you to save the planet from food loss!
Don't pretend you don't know, as long as you eat food and live on this earth.


I don't say you are doing something big or always be careful.
Just remember what you learned and felt on this site.
Keep your interest in this issue forever until the day people solve it!


Thank you so much for telling us a lot!
We got a lot of hints to think about...hmm?Is the color getting lighter!?


Seeing your thoughts on food loss, the grudge against the people who wasted us disappeared!


Don't forget about us!
Thank you until now!