What can we do!?


We asked a question to Jerome Gazeba, a representative from Africa who gave the lecture.



What do you think of the “food loss” problem that is occurring in Japan and other developed countries?


To put it simply, I think it is important to know.
I think that there are many people in the world suffering from hunger and poverty, and that by learning and knowing it all around the world, I think more people will hesitate to give up.
As a good example, I think Pan Akimoto's activities are very good.


Do you know the activities of "Pan Akimoto Co., Ltd."

〈 Kyukancho Project 〉

A project that allows you to participate in world hunger relief activities by providing emergency food.


1.Homes, schools, condominiums, companies, and local governments have stockpiled "canned birds" for two and a half years in response to emergencies.

After stockpiling, we will guide you to support activities two to three months before collection.


2.Only when there is a repurchase next time, it can be collected at the time of delivery.

A letter of appreciation will be given to the participants of the support activities if they wish.


3.Collected canned birds are sent to NGOs and other organizations and transported to the recipients in containers through the organizations.


4.Reach locals as food to save those suffering from world hunger and disaster



It's a very good project that can be stored for a long time and can also use delicious cans to help people in need around the world!