The member of the honeybees

Worker bee

 The worker bees do all the work in the hive except for having babies. They are all female bees.
The worker bees live about three weeks as larvae and pupa, then they are separated into inner and outer bees. They have seniority type.
Larvae keep on eating honey, royal jelly and honey bread and they grow. They become pupa in about six days and stay as pupa for 12 days. They hatched out of the chrysalis, and on the 21st day they been laid as eggs, they mature.
After matured they will be working in nests for about three weeks. And then they spend the next three weeks collecting food outside. It seems that the worker bees have a busy and fulfilling life. 『ミツバチの教科書(原題 The Bee Book)』(フォーガスチャドウィック, スティーブオールトン, エマ・サラテナント, ビルフィツモーリス, ジュディー アール 
エクスナレッジ 、2017)

Worker bee's work

 There are two types of worker bees: house bees and field bees. The newly hatched worker bee becomes an house bee and works in the hive. They will take care of the larvae first and clean the hive. They also look for a job in their spare time.

It takes about three weeks to take nectar from bees returning from work and refine the honey, build and restore the beehive. After that they will get to go to gather nectar, and they become the field bees.

Honey farming is that bees work in fields collect nectar from flowers. There are a lot of bees outside the nest. Honey farming is a dangerous business. There are outsiders who collect not only honey but also pollen.

Pollen is an important protein source for bees. Bees are cauered with hair all over and can collect pollen so easily. Just by walking on flower. In addition, while the wings quiver and fly, static electricity accumulates and the pollen tends to stick to the body.

The pollen that clings to their body is collected and becomes a bee pollen and is sent to the pollen basket on their feet. The pollen basket has thick hair around is where the pollen can be put.

Waggle dance

 In the work of field bees, it is important to inform colleagues of where honey source is found and where pollen is obtained. Because every flower bloom in a short time, they need to gather honey quickly. The waggle dance is a dance performed on the nest board by field bees returning to the nest in order to convey the information the nectar source to other worker bees.

This dance, which vibrates the body to write the number eight, shows the direction with the Angle from the ground as they go straight, and the distance with the speed of a turn. The higher the value of the source, the longer you dance. And the other bees follow to dance. The other bees will drink the amount of homey corresponding to the distance of the source of the honey they are informed from the waggle dance.
Because the honey for return can be replenished on the flowers, they only drink the portion of honey for the outbound trip.
Bees have an uncanny ability to communicate distance and orientation to their mates without using words.

『生物事典』 旺文社、2011年 
Rowan Jacobsen 『蜂はなぜ大量死したのか(原題 Fruitless Fall)』 文芸春秋、2009年
久志冨士男 『ニホンミツバチが日本の農業を救う』 高文研、2009年
越中矢住子『ミツバチは本当に消えたか』 SoftBank Creative、2010年
フォーガスチャドウィック, スティーブオールトン, エマ・サラテナント, ビルフィツモーリス, ジュディー アール  『ミツバチの教科書(原題 The Bee Book)』 エクスナレッジ 、2017年
一般社団法人 日本養蜂協会 ホームページ