ResultResult of our survey
We took a survey of 177 people to know what love letters people like. We made five types of love letters in accordance with three points we selected from many ones to write love letters, and have them choose the best letter of the ones and say the reason.
Details of This Survey
The points we selected are the following.
・writing no negative words
・describing the reasons why you love the one
Five types of love letters are written on the points as below.
Provided, to get complete the points and to cover everyone, we pretermitted the addressee and the name of the sender.
The following letters are all written by us and we use a free template.

②using honorifics:✕/writing no negative words:〇/describing the reason why you love the one:〇

③using honorifics:〇/writing no negative words:✕/describing the reason why you love the one:〇

④using honorifics:〇/writing no negative words:〇/describing the reason why you love the one:✕

⑤using honorifics:〇/writing no negative words:✕/describing the reason why you love the one:✕

What is the letter you like best?
Then, let’s analyze the result.

【made with Excel】
The General Result
First, we will think situation the general result.
We can admit the fact that ① is the most chosen letter by this chart.
Analyzing details of the result, we found the following.
ⅰ)Letters used honorifics are liked more than ones not used honorifics.
ⅱ) Positive letters are more liked than negative letters.
ⅲ) Generally letters which have the reasons why you love the one are more liked than letters
which don’t have them, but it is good not to write the reasons to make your letter more concise.
ⅳ)The influence that the factor gives your confession is bigger in the following order;
writing no negative words, using honorifics, describing the reason why you love the one.
Why could we find out those? Next, we will say the bases of them.
Incidentally, when we use statistical hypothesis testing, it is confirmed that there are significant differences on these;
①>②,①>③,②>③, ①>⑤,④>⑤, ③<⑤, and the number of men who chose ⑤>the number of women who chose ⑤.
The significant difference between ① and ④ isn’t confirmed.
ⅰ) Letters used honorifics are liked more than ones not used honorifics.
This is gotten by comparing the result of ① with that of ②.Because these are different in the point
whether honorifics is used in the letter or not, we can prove the necessity to use honorifics by delving into which is more chosen either ① or ②.
The chart shows the number of those who chose ① is larger than that of ②. Therefore we can conclude that this subject is right.
ⅱ) Positive letters are more liked than negative letters.
This argument is based on the result that the number of those who chose ① is larger than that of ③
and that of ④ is larger than that of ⑤. In fact, we got some opinions like “I didn’t feel good when I read ③ or ⑤
because of their negative words.” Others say “Since ③ or ⑤ includes negative words like ’you are not my ideal person’
or ‘I felt uncomfortable when I was with you’, they gave me a bad impression.After all, it has a bad effect
on the probability to succeed in your confession.
ⅲGenerally letters which have the reasons why you love the one are more liked than letters which don’t have them,
but it is good not to write the reasons to make your letter more concise.
When we checked why they chose ⑤, we recognized th① is more liked than ④, so we should write the reasons why we love the one.
Is that true? Certainly the difference between ① and ④ is if reasons are written in the letter or not, but the relation between ③ and ⑤ is equal
as a control experiment, too. In addition when comes to the latter, ⑤ got more votes.
How come this happened?
There are many people who accepted the deeper heart expressed in ⑤ very favorable. For example, there are these opinions;
“Though the love in ⑤ is too heavy, the heart from this sender is conveyed to me most.”, “This sender looks like Yandere 'obsessive lover’,
so I think ⑤ is good.” etc. On the other hand, there is a person who chose except ③ and ⑤ who says “⑤ is too fearful for me to chose.”
These facts show us that the cause is how to accept the vivid hearts. Different from ③, negative contents may produce the feelings of the sender effectively
by writing only their hearts straight instead of the reasons. In a peculiar case like this, we should not write the reasons.
Yet there are not a few people who write why they chose ① like “Because the points of me the sender loves are written.”
,or “As the reason is written, too.”, so we can say that
generally we ought to write the reasons why we love the one.
ⅳ)The influence that the factor gives your confession is bigger in the following order;
writing no negative words, using honorifics, describing the reason why you love the one.
To begin with, situation “writing no negative words” let’s think. When we compared the result of love letters
which contain this factor with that of ones which does not contain it (=letters which include negative words), the former got more support than the latter
regardless whether the letter included the reasons or not. Judging from the significant differences on the statistical hypothesis testing, this gap is not
made by chance. The case of ”using honorifics” is the same result as this. Therefore, we are convinced that both of these have to do with
the quality of your love letter. While there is not confirmed a significant difference between ① and ④,
so that’s why we can argue that whether you write the reason of your love or not does not affect the result so much as the others.
Next, we compared ② with ③ to consider large or small between the two factors except for the reasons.
Apparently you may think that their points are different. But when we view either “using honorifics” or “writing no negative words” is the bigger factor,
it is the best way to deliberate the size of these figures.
As we said at the beginning, it isn’t by chance that ② is more liked than ③. In conclusion, the fact that the significant difference is confirmed
between ② and ③ is the proof of that whether you write negative words more influences the lover’s likes and dislikes than
whether you use honorifics.
The Result which Focuses on Differences by Gender
Second, we will focus on the difference by gender.
Judging from the chart, ① is chosen most by both of men and women.
Furthermore ① and ④ got most of all votes from each gender. The number of men who chose ④ is larger than that of women.
When we checked the reasons of men, there are this one like this;“Because ④ is straight and clear, I felt like the sender felt me anxiously.”
The tendency of ii ) surfaces on the result of women. It is expected that the way to accept
“the heavy love” of men is more positive than that of women, as mentioned. That is proved by
there is a significant difference between the gender of people who chose ⑤. The tendency of i ) is realized both of gender,
however the fact that ③ gathered few votes from both of men and women shows that the tendency of ii ) is more strong than that of i ),
therefore we are able to see iv ).