
The section provides reports of our wheelchair tennis experiences and the results of a survey of students.

Section10. Report of the wheelchair tennis experience


To feel more familiar with the world of para-sports, we want to get experience to play the para-sports actually. The Yoshida Memorial Tennis Training Center (TTC) kindly provided us to try wheelchair tennis. The four of us had never even been in a wheelchair before, but we had very valuable experiences with assistance of R.K.

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Section11. Report of the “Blind Experience”


Blind Experience is a simulated experience of what it is like to be blind.

People like Ms. Yoshihara, who are visually impaired and cannot recognize objects and people, use the information they receive, such as the sound of voices, the feeling of touch, and the characteristics of the objects and people described to them, to imagine and understand what their surroundings are like.

Blind Experience is an experience to think about how to explain for visually impaired people what they see through the experience of communicating what they see to others as accurately as possible using only words, and imagining what they see from the words communicated.

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Section12. Survey on the attitudes on para-sports


How about the impression of junior and senior high school students on para-sports? To know their opinions, we do questionnaire on students at our school (Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior and High School).

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