Benefits of renewable energy

Benefits of renewable energy

Renewable energy, which has become a hot topic in various places, and recently the Ministry of the Environment of Japan also recommends renewable energy, and it seems that development subsidies may be issued.
There are various reasons for this, and it has the advantage of being different from existing energy development such as thermal power generation and nuclear power generation.
This page summarizes the benefits as clearly as possible.

1.Environmentally Friendly

First of all, thermal power generation, which is the current mainstream power generation method, emits a large amount of greenhouse gas, which is said to be the cause of global warming, when generating power.
However, renewable energy does not emit greenhouse gases when generating electricity. (Solar power emits less greenhouse gases than thermal power,Biomass power generation, which burns directly, also produces almost no greenhouse gases. )
Therefore, it can greatly contribute to the solution of environmental problems, which have become a problem in recent years.

2.Improvement of energy self-sufficiency rate

Renewable energy, which can produce energy anywhere on the planet, such as solar and wind power, may be the key to improving the energy self-sufficiency rate of resource-poor Japan.
As of 2017, the ratio of renewable energy in Japan is about 16%. Looking at the renewable energy ratio in the overseas power source mix, Canada 65.7%, Italy 35.6%, Germany 33.6%, and Spain 32.4%, which are much higher than Japan's renewable energy ratio.
It is no exaggeration to say that increasing the energy self-sufficiency rate in Japan depends on the spread of renewable energy.

3.Never run out of energy

Do you know the "peak oil theory" that oil will be depleted in 40 years if we keep pace? I haven't heard much about it these days, but other resources such as coal and natural gas will eventually be depleted.
However, since renewable energy is generated using natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, water flow, and temperature, the energy source cannot be exhausted.
Therefore, if the spread of renewable energy is complete, there is no need to worry about resource depletion, which is a great advantage from a very long-term perspective.


As you can see, renewable energy has many benefits. There are many advantages over traditional power generation methods, and the development of renewable energy is steadily developing.
Looking at it like this, it seems that there are only good points, but on the contrary, what are the disadvantages?
The disadvantages are summarized on the next page. Please take a look.

Types of renewable energy
Disadvantages of renewable energy
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