Sustainable Seafood
Do you know "Sasutanable Seafood"?
Sustainable seafoods are marine products distributed by mannaer
There are some the certification programs of the sustainable seafood, and
Certification Programs for Sustainable Seafood
The most popular certificaiton programs are
All of them aim to certified sustanble seafood, but the certified policies and tergets are different.
MSC certification is a sustainable seafood certification program administered by the Marine Stewardship Council, which ensures that natural marine resources are caught by fisheries that are properly managed in consideration of resources and the environment.
(See For sutainability → MSC certification)
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ASC certification, on the other hand, is a certification system administered by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council, which, as the name implies, guarantees that farmed marine products are produced using aquaculture methods that minimize environmental and social impacts.
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In addition, MEL certification is another program certificated by MEL(Marine Eco-Label Japan) and is Japan's own marine ecolabeling system that certifies fishery and aquaculture producers and processors of marine products in consideration of ecological safety.
BAP (Best Aquaculure Practices) certification is administered by the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA), an international NGO, and, like ASC certification, is a certification system for aquaculture products.
Where can I buy sustainable seafood?
Now we know about the certificatation of Sustainable Seafood. You can take participete in the community of sutainabile marin resources by buing certified product.But do you know where you can get it?
Tell the truth, the certified products are much more familiar to you in your daily life than you may imagine.
Followings are some introcution of companies selling products certified for sustainable seafood.
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
Their business types range from convenience stores and general merchandise stores to department stores and they sell products certified for sustainable seafood.
The certified programs handring are MSC, ASC, and MEL certification.
McDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd.
Some may be surprised to find a McDonald's product with such a label. But there is. It's used in their Filet-O-Fish burgers, which starting in 2019 will feature MSC-certified natural American and Russian pollock. Some of you may have been casual members of the ocean safety community.
From the list of products, I was surprised to see that there are more than 60 types of MSC certification alone. They sell not only MSC, ASC, or MEL certification but also BAP certification.
Major Japanese seafood processing companies also seem to be paying attention to the sustainable seafood certification system, and their lineup of products with the certification label is increasing one after another. "Sustainable tuna" project" also hold interview with the seafood processing companies about their policies and challenges on sustainabiliy of marin resources.
(See Challenges by companies → Maruha-nichiro;
Challenges by companies → Hagoromo Foods)
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It is amazing to see marine eco-labeled products in stores around you. We hope that in some small way you are aware of the growing sales of sustainable seafood. |





サステナブルシーフード月間 (translated: Sustainable Seafood Month) (in Japanese)

フィッシュMSC認証 (tranlated: MSC Certification for Fish) (in Japanese)

MSC認証 (tranlated: MSC Certification) (in Japanese)
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