~Prerequisite information~

OS used this time

What is Linux?

Simply put, Linux is Windows and OS, such as Mac.
The most important feature of this OS is thatyou can freely modify itby yourself.
The ubuntu actually used on this site and the Debian etc.
However, perhaps because it is rarely included when purchasing a computer, its market share was 2.94%, fourth in the world, and 0.85% in Japan, also fourth. (As of February 2023)


Ubuntu is aLinux-based OS developed with the concept of ``an OS that is easy to use for anyone.'' It is easy to use even for beginners as most operations can be completed with just mouse operations. Since it is open source, you can customize it to suit your purpose and use, and it is updated every six months, so you can always use the latest version.

How this topic came about

Around May, submissions for the web contest were about to start, and I was having trouble finding the perfect title!
たぬすけ“Wouldn’t it be better if we just do computer things like a computer club?”
丸しっぽスライム「That is it!」

I thought everything was settled and the rest would be an easy victory. But! When it came to computers, it was basically too expensive to come up with any ideas. Then, an unexpected person gave me a great idea.
Coach: "Why don't you put Linux on your old computer? I can lend you a computer."
To my surprise, my coach lent me his computer because he loves modifying computers! From there, after researching various things, We decided on this topic.
