living with natural disasters

Earthquake preparedness

Points to prevent falling, falling, and moving

©Source: Meteorological Agency

・Secure it with fall prevention fittings to prevent it from falling over.
・Prevent glass such as windows from shattering.
・Store heavy items at the bottom to prevent them from falling over.
・Lay out a non-slip sheet to prevent glass items from falling or slipping.

Specific fixed content

©Source: Kagawa Prefecture "Prevention of furniture falling over"

・The furniture isFix the top and bottom with flat metal fittings
・In the glass,Glass shatter prevention filmStretch.
・Cupboards, swing doors, etc.Door does not open automatically due to latch etc.Do it like this.

Preparation of disaster prevention supplies

Emergency supplies

©Source: Fire Science and Fire Center “Ask people who have experienced major earthquakes”

[Preparation for power outage]
・flashlight, candle
[Preparation for gas outage]
・Simple gas stove, solid fuel
[Preparation for water outage]
・Drinking water (in a plastic container, etc.)
*Estimated 3L per person per day
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