living with natural disasters


Summary about earthquakes

The earthquake isorogenic beltJapan is located on four plates.

As of 2022, there is a 90% chance that the Nankai Trough will occur within 40 years.

I learned that to prepare for an earthquake, you should be careful about securing furniture and storing glassware.

©Source: Cabinet Office “Special Feature: Great East Japan Earthquake”

Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquakeprioritize your lifeIn order to
1. Move under the table
2.Securing an escape exit
3. How to dispose of fire
Let's take care of it.

in the rescueSelf-help, mutual assistance, public assistancethere is.Ask for help when you are in trouble, and help others if you can ensure their safety.

Summary about volcanoes

Volcanic damagedVolcanic blocks, pyroclastic flows, lava flowsWe found that many buildings were damaged and lives were lost.

Types of volcanoes include shield volcanoes, bell-shaped volcanoes, and stratovolcanoes, and the viscosity and color of magma differ depending on the type of volcano.

As a measure against volcanic eruptionsHardware measuresSoftware measuresthere is.
In addition, volcanoes are prone to damage to infrastructure due to volcanic ejecta.Stockpile drinking water and non-perishable foodis very important

There is a message dial for victims, which has no area code.171When you call ,The person calling that number can replay the message.

Actions to take during an eruption
1. Evacuate from near the crater
2. Avoid getting volcanic ash in your eyes
3. Evacuate to the shade of a building or rock
The above three things are important.

Summary about typhoons

As the life of a typhoonnascent perioddevelopmental periodpeak periodperiod of weaknessIt is divided into

There are guidelines for the size and strength of typhoons, and the size isstorm area、strength ismaximum wind speedIt is classified by

The typhoonDamage caused by stormand,Damage caused by heavy rainIt is divided into

As a precaution you can take on a regular basis,

Typhoon countermeasures

Fixing furniture
Check emergency supplies
Confirm route to evacuation site

Let's do something like that. It's also a good idea to watch the news and check for warnings, advisories, etc.


This was my first time participating in a web contest, and I was able to learn everything from the basics of HTML to difficult things such as CSS settings.
Also, as an editor, I was impressed that I was able to think more deeply about natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and typhoons, how to evacuate, and how they occur, in addition to what I learned in junior high school. It's been 5 months since we created the website, and I think we've deepened our bond with the members by having fun exchanging opinions and making improvements.
Thank you very much to everyone who viewed this web.



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このサイトは26th National Junior and Senior High School Web ContestParticipating in