Entrance Examination
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For Kids

We don't usually take entrance examination to go to elementary school or nursery or jr high shcool. But some nongovermental schools has entrance examination. Parents want their child to live their life without being suffered from the examination hell. These schools have more priority in a test for employment in a business company. Some public schools has collapsed. The faster they begin to study, the more the choices they have. They test whether applicants have schoalarship, exercize, common sense to develop themselves in their schools. To test from these view points, they use paper test of counting, figure, suspection, commonsense, remind, find. Listening to teacher's talk, play, read books, singing songs, eat...etc are some of them. But they are conceiled. Some people begin to study from 2 years old. Most people begin teaching their child from 0 years. When they are 3 or 4, children begin to go to cram school. It costs a lot. But cram schools flourish. Parents rely on proffessions. Shy students are disadvantaged. They should be disciplined. They should learn the joy to study. Parents are seen as well. Too showy looks are disadvantaged. Some shools ask parents about their policy of education. Some schools accept children who has strong character. But the relationship between their area are not good. Some schools conceil their defects. A young child who is wise is not the man who is respectable. After running on the rail which his or her parents set, he may think about who he is. Can this system answer the question? We propose that public schools should open to all the students who want to enter. Schools show their policy, and parents and children choose. Some schools may have less students. But their competition can become the schools better than nongovernmental shools.

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