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mechanisms of food loss
understanding Japan through
understanding other countries
 Design products  Order  Production Sales 

 Food loss situations in the food companies
 Food products are made with these process

  Product design → Order → Production → Sales

Here, we will be looking at the relation between food companies and consumers


 There are a lot of food loss at the sales stage as well.

The products that is wasted by the ⅓ rule and products that is left in the SP warehouse are also the big reason to food loss.

We thought of one solution that they could donate those foods to the food bank, but we found out that that is a difficult thing. It is because of us, consumers. If the company donate food for free, some consumers may complain foods that are expensive for them gets handed out by free.

We can tell that this problem is not an easy thing to solve, and consumers are one of the main reason for them.

Unless us, consumers start to make a move food loss won't disappear.

