
Modern Biotechnology

In addition to the medical field, which is the theme of this site, biotechnology is contributing to many other fields.

Biodegradable Plastics

One of the environmental problems that the world is facing is the plastic problem. Plastic is very familiar to us, but it consumes a lot of fossil resources such as oil and emits a lot of carbon dioxide to produce it. In addition, a large amount of plastic flows into the ocean, affecting marine life. In order to solve this problem, plastics that are made from natural materials instead of fossil resources are being developed. This is called "biodegradable plastic". Efforts are also being made beyond plastics. It is being applied in a wide range of fields, from household items such as tableware and stationery to bone fragments in the medical field.

Environmental purification

Biotechnology technology is not only used to make earth-friendly products, but also to help clean up the environment. One of these methods is the use of microorganisms. Some microorganisms have the ability to break down chemical substances. Some microorganisms have the ability to break down chemical substances, and this ability is being used to purify oil and contaminated soil.

Biomass energy

As fossil fuels such as oil and coal are on the verge of depletion, biomass energy is also attracting attention. Among them are biojet fuel and bioethanol. Biojet fuel is a fuel that uses the biological energy of algae and other organisms, and has been used mainly in Europe and the United States since 2011. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting and filtering relatively inexpensive crops such as corn and sugar cane, and is used as fuel for automobiles. In the energy field, the production of fossil fuel substitutes using biotechnology is being promoted, and the U.S. is aiming to replace 30% of transportation fuel by 2030.

  • In the modern age, biotechnology has a much wider reach!
  • Biotechnology is also helping to solve environmental problems.
  • Biotechnology may be able to solve our energy problems!

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