
Biomedicine and safety issues

When you use medical treatment, would you rather have a treatment that is effective but unsafe, or a treatment that is not so effective but safe? When you use medical treatment, would you rather have a highly effective but unsafe treatment or a moderately effective but highly safe treatment? I think most people, except in special cases, would give priority to safety. So what exactly are the safety issues in biomedicine? What exactly are the safety issues in biomedicine?

iPS cell

Although iPS cells are now being actively researched, there is a problem that they are more prone to cancer than other pluripotent stem cells. This is because the genes that are introduced when iPS cells are created contain "cancer-causing" substances. In order for iPS cells to be used by patients, we have to overcome these problems.

Genome Editing Concerns

Genome editing is a revolutionary technology, but it also has the aspect that something unpredictable may happen. For example, let's say that gene A, which causes a disease, is removed by genome editing. But what would happen if that gene A suppressed another disease B? DNA is still largely unexplored, and the causal relationship between genes is unknown. So, we need to be more careful when we do genome editing. So we need to be more careful when we do genome editing.


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