Evacuation to a Place of Safety

When there is no damage to your home or risk of fire in your area, do not be in a hurry to evacuate. However, if flames or smoke can be seen nearby, or if there is any danger from the smell of smoke in the air, immediately evacuate. If there is imminent danger, use your best judgment in evacuating.


When disasters, such as a tsunami occur, follow the signs below to safety.

Note tsunami Tsunami evacuation site Tsunami evacuation buildings

Evacuation Timing

  • When fire is likely to spread.
  • When the police or fire department issues evacuation instructions or warnings.
  • When your home is in danger of collapse.
  • When it is judged that evacuation is necessary in accordance with the situation.
  • As the transfer delay or wrong transfer of a tsunami warning may occur, evacuate without delay even if there is no warning.

  • Evacuation to a Place of Safety

  • The evacuation center is a temporary living place for people who have left their homes due to dangerous conditions.
  • Elementary schools, junior high schools or high schools are open for evacuation centers. Relief Centers against Disaster ? Evacuation Centers
  • Evacuate to the nearest elementary or junior high school. Check in advance for the designated evacuation center in your area.

  • Reminders when Evacuating while Your Home is Unlocked

    1. Do not leave valuables in your home.
    2. Wear sturdy footwear and comfortable clothing.
    3. Turn off the electric breaker and the gas when leaving your home.
    4. Leave a note to family members who are not at home.
    5. Do not take excess baggage with you, except for an emergency kit.
    6. Evacuate on foot. Never use a bicycle or automobile.
    7. Evacuate your pets with you, in cages, leases, or other secure methods