About this Website

 The Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11th in 2011, caused much damage in Ibaraki Prefecture, as well as other Prefectures. Concerns arising from radioactivity in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and other effects from the disaster still continue. For these reasons, citizens in Ibaraki Prefecture have concerns about possible earthquakes and radioactivity in our daily life.
 Therefore, we, who learn information system, discussed what we could do. As a result, we examined the problems associated with earthquakes and radioactivity and created this website on earthquakes and radioactivity for the local people.
 The website on earthquake disasters is divided into two categories: one on earthquakes, and the other one on radi oactivity. In the earthquake website, many images can be seen to visually convey the damage that occurred in Ibarak i Prefecture. The site is composed so that conditions directly after the Earthquake, as well as current conditions ca n be seen. The radioactivity website mainly provides information gathered from the “Support of Research Activity on Ra dioactivity” held by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).


Activity history

2012/4/1Activities launched
2012/7/1Web site development start
2012/11/1Public Web site
2012/11/16English siteStart
2012/12/21Elected to the semi-finalists