In Society
Mimicry in human society
Mimic depression
For withdrawal
For mimic depression
For fraud
The position in society of mimicry
Mimicry and development
What is withdrawal
Relationships with mimicry
What is withdrawal
Withdrawal in primal step was defined by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as the situation of the people who “stay at home instead of going to work or school or almost without any exchange with any one else of their family over at least 6 months of period." or it is also including the case of even if they can sometimes go out for shopping. And it has been social problem to many teenagers or twenties because of at the same time thinking it was the complex with school refusal or their growth. But now it's aging and prolonged has come the serious. The withdrawal period prolonged automatically leads to aging. Again of the withdrawal period prolonged itself is considered by the period of withdraw so-called "blank period" so their participation in society will come difficult and it was thought that it was also caused by being assisted of the anxiety to outside world.
Relationships with mimicry
Mimicry is originally said “not being noticed and approached even if the object is in front of”, but withdrawals are said “not noticing and approaching.” Seemingly two things seem the opposite, but in fact, the relationship with mimicry and withdrawals gets a glimpse of a process becoming withdrawal. In case of fall into becoming withdrawals, they tend to hide one's greed and intention not to being perceived the object. And it shows a relation with it and cryptic mimicry in one’s emotion because being withdrawal by falling down in the bad direction.