Home>>Ignorance of weather
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 In the state where neither rain nor snow is falling, clouds call fine the state of 80 percent or less of the whole empty.If we have cleared up, it all will be made "fine", but two, "fine weather" and "fine", exist in the formal weather phenomenon.

 The sunlight brought about by fine has a role which is not made to write our life which dries a thing of illuminating surface of the earth.Moreover, a plant needs sunlight for photosynthesis, and since a function in the living body is activated by basking in sunlight, man can say that just clearing up is certainly required in order that the living thing may make a living. Since there is circulation that moisture of the earth evaporates and it rains by clearing up in weather, rain does not occur without fine, either.Also according to the mood of the moment, the empty fine otherwise is pleasant, and as it was called "the lighthearted feeling", it has had influence also mentally good for us.
However, clearing up is not good.If a fine day continues for a long time too much, it may become damage conversely.For example, "suntan" is the one. Although it is OK to get tanned moderately, if it hits too much not much on a day, there is also a case which skin tissue is destroyed and runs to skin cancer. Popularity must be won too much and it must take care just because it has good influence.

 Although I consider fine and abnormal weather like the relation which was widely different, when the weather other than fine must occur essentially, also in a fine case, it is classified into abnormal weather all the time. I hear that for example, the state where it hardly rained but it has stopped it at the time of the rainy season continues. In this case, since it becomes impossible for a plant to fully obtain moisture at the time of a rainy season, it can have big influence.
For example, in Sendai and Akita of the time of the rainy season in 2012, and Iwate, only the rain like about 60 mm (about 6% last year) was shaken by Hazama of about one week. It seems that air dried and the fire had occurred frequently since it seldom rained.

About "fine" and a "fine" difference
 Fine and a fine difference are decided by an amount of cloud. When empty is overlooked round, in the quantity of clouds, the time of 0 to ten percent is fine weather. The time of 2 to 80 percent is decided to be fine.