Home>>A weather chart is challenged
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  You have to memorize a meteorological symbol, in order to read a weather chart. Japanese style and an international type are shown in a present weather figure, and a meteorological symbol also has two kinds in connection with it. However, expressional width is wide and an international type also has a meteorological symbol in large quantities. Therefore, it is OK if you remember only 21 Japanese-style pieces to draw or read the weather chart in Japan.

Dust thick fog
Dust storm
Drifting snow
Strong rain
Mixture of snow and rain
Strong snow
Snow pellets
Strong thunder

  When writing atmospheric pressure, wind force and a wind become important information. The line is pulled by the direction which a wind wipes and a wind looks at wind force by the number of feather. Incidentally, when wind force is 0, it does not write. When actually writing a wind, a top is generally north (direction of ruled line) written in the 16 directions.

Smoke flutters and it turns out that there is a wind.

A wind is felt for a face and leaves move.

A light flag opens and a thin sprig moves continuously.

Dust leaves and paper soars.

A low tree with a leaf begins to shake and a wave is located on a pond.

A limb moves and an electric wire sounds. It is hard to put an umbrella.

The Kimata object shakes and it is hard to walk toward a wind.

He cannot walk, if a sprig breaks and it goes to a wind.

A tile flies or a chimney falls.

A tree falls completely and damage of a house is serious.

Damage arises in the wide range.

Major injury arises.

  The above-mentioned sign is combined and what wrote atmospheric pressure to the right and wrote temperature to the left becomes a meteorological symbol actually written to a weather chart.
 In this case, It becomes "In Naha, winds are the wind force 3 and fine, 2 hPa, and 26 ℃,blowing from southeast."

Warm front

  The state which ran aground on air with cold warm air

Cold front

  The state which was hidden under air with cold warm air

Stationary front

  The state where warm air and cold air collided mutually and have stagnated

Occluded front

  The state which a warm front and the cold front overlapped