Although it will be called "cloudy weather" in many cases if there are generally many clouds,If it says strictly, the state of "the percentage of clouds is 90 percent or more" will be pointed out.Furthermore, it is divided into four kinds also in cloudy weather, and is called "thin cloudy weather", "cloudy weather", "this cloudy weather", and "high cloudy weather." First, for clouds being made, the temperature of the ground needs to be high and water needs to evaporate to make. And the temperature of air falls as it goes upwards by an ascending current, and it becomes a crystal of waterdrop or ice, and the form of clouds is done.Therefore, in summer, tropical one, etc., clouds progress easily because the quantity of the evaporating moisture increases.
Although there is no thing in particular troubled by becoming cloudy weather, when the sunlight of summer is strong, sunlight is carried out, and it avoids, and finds it useful.Since it says that the future weather can otherwise be predicted with clouds, it is very useful when it is going to predict the time when a weather report cannot be seen immediately, and a local weather. As a weather flow, when moisture circulates through the earth, it will be said that that there are no clouds consists of evaporation, without it raining since the turn of rain and snow is followed from clouds.
Directly, although it is not related to cloudy weather, a "typhoon" is made in a process which resembled how to be able to do clouds.While it is formally called a "tropical cyclone" and clouds progress, it generates because an ascending current becomes strong. Since a typhoon does not develop mostly unless water temperature has 27 degrees or more, it hardly generates in winter.The main developmental time term is from March in December. It being called the peak of generating from July among those in January, and landing at Japan also has much this time.