• 天気のひみつ
  • 日本の天気のひみつ
  • 天気予報のひみつ
  • 天気のトリビア
  • 観察しよう
  • 予報にチャレンジ
  • ディスカッション
  • 復習クイズ
  • 天気記号クイズ
  • 天気図クイズ
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Home>>A weather chart is challenged
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 The contents of how to draw the meaning of a sign and a radio weather chart are the exercises of which is established. Please draw a radio weather chart like an actual weather report, hearing a sound, and try as a check of own knowledge.

■When there is no radio weather chart at hand, please open and print from the following file data.

 Manatu reads out the data of the September 29, 2009 noon of an announcement of the Meteorological Agency Forecast Department. A player will be displayed if it is the newest browser.

Formal: MP3 capacity: 4.87MB time: 21 minutes and 17 seconds

 Manatu reads out the data of the August 15, 2009 6:00 p.m. of an announcement of the Meteorological Agency Forecast Department. A player will be displayed if it is the newest browser.

Formal: MP3 capacity: 4.78MB time: 20 minutes and 54 seconds

 Manatu reads out the data of the February 22, 2009 noon of an announcement of the Meteorological Agency Forecast Department. A player will be displayed if it is the newest browser.

Formal: MP3 capacity: 4.85MB time: 21 minutes and 15 seconds