First of all, both of weather charts are drawn.
Since Miwa was an experienced person and Yusuke was a beginner about No.2, No.1 was used.
(Broadcast of 9:00 was heard and written on the morning of January 5.)
After drawing a weather chart, it refers to the data and data of a meteorological observatory, and predicts them.
As a result, he noticed "0 and humidity of precipitation are not so high as "having cleared up as whole Japan" by the data of Gifu."
I hear that it was hard to think that it rains, and prediction of the present age team became "fine" from the idea centering on two years.
First of all, the state of clouds was checked. On the whole, clouds were black, and west one was expected if the weather is bad. And since the wind was blowing east, this cloud was passed by the wind, and the weather here expected if it worsens. Then, although it went the animal for search outside, because it was cold, since nothing was, prediction for an animal was not completed. And since it was a very cold day the ground freezes from a morning today in anticipation of the ancient team, it "rain or snow".
When the outer weather was seen at 3:00 p.m., neither rain nor snow fell but its clouds were only increasing from during the morning. Since an amount of cloud is also about 70 percent, the weather can be said to be "fine." Only the forecast of the present age team came true this time.