「My bill were broken by Kaneta.」
「Oh, really?」
「I don't do on purpose.」
「What reason do you have?」
「I tryed show Rich my magic so the bill broke.」
「I don't listen to your excuse!」
「To break is destiny of paper.」
「Return my money! I am going to buy cream puffs to everyone!」
「But,I can't do.」
「Rich, do you have a bill broken?」
「Yes. But Ican't it...」
「It is good.」
「What is it?」
「When Breaking bill, take Bank of Japan change it.」
「Yes,I think that it returns all.」
「I have good idea!」
「What is it?」
「At first a thousand yen bill cuts half.」
「I take it to Bank so I get thousand yen bills one by one.」
「Wow! That's great!」
「Kaneta, but the world isn't easy.」
「Price changes to take part.」
「For example half thousand yen bill takes five hundred yen. 1/3 takes three hundred yen.」
「Oh,it is bad.」
「How do bills which Bank of Japan received?」
「Oh, you are great. OK, look at this diagram.」
「As you can see, all bills collect to Bank of Japan. 」
「I see...」
「New bills and old bills collect to Bank of Japan.」
「Yes. It need Bank of Japan permission to use money.」
「Without so product a lot of money.」
「That's right.」
Web contest
This site has been participating in "第16回全国中学高校Webコンテスト".