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¡ Index Page

¡ Top Page of Japanese

¡ Top Page of English

¡ Main Page

¡ Information of rice
œ About rice
œ Kinds of rice
E Japonica rice
E Indica rice
E Jabanika rice
œ Category of main breeds in Japan
œ Ranking of rice
œ The process at which rice arrives
E The process at which rice made
Border coating
Sowing seeds
Cultivate the fields
mid-summer drainage
harvesting rice
E The process of rice to arrive home

¡ Science of rice
œ When you eat rice...
E Adovantages of eating rice.
E Do you eat breakfast?
œ Breed Improvement
E The main reasons to breed improvement.
E How to breed improvement?
œ Bug of rice
œ Allergy of rice

¡ Social of rice
œ History of rice
E Where are rices from?
E Rice became Japanese staple.
E How did Japanese grow rice in old time.
E Incident of loan with high interest seriously damaged farmers.
E Lands were provatized.
E Further Fullness Environment
E What is "Taikokenti"?
E The environment making alcoholic drink in Edo period is perfect.
E Stormy Edo period
E Rice riot was often happened.
E We can't live by only a ration system.
E Japanese government continue to buy rice after war.
E Japanese government said, "Please wait!"
E What is Thai rice riot?
E We are in the world of trading.
E Advantages of joining TPP.
E Disadvantages of joining TPP.
E The first advantage
E The second advantage
E The first disadvantage
E The second disadvantage
E Japan officially joined TPP negotiations.
E Protection for farmers.
E America requests Japan to eliminate tariffs on everything except rice. The other countries request Japan to eliminate all tariffs.

¡ Let's eating!
œ Rice-using dishes
E Rice-using dishes in Japan
E Rice-using dishes in world
œ Rice flour using dishes

¡ Trivia
œ Trivia of rice
E Don't you stored rice with a bag.
E Three elements which degradation rice
E Ally of health! The presence of rice oil!
E When washing rice...
œ Question and answer of rice

¡ Quiz

¡ Guide
œ Reference materials
œ About us
œ Site map

¡ Questionnaire
E Reason of questionnaire
E Target of questionnaire
E Contents of questionnaire
E Result report of questionnaire

¡ Worksheet

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