


Sulfur oxide (SOx)

It is found in factory smoke.

It is reactive with water to form sulfuric acid or sulfurous acid.

Cause for acid rain and air pollution.

Nitrogen oxide (NOx)

It is found in car exhaust emission.

It bring about oxidase smog and acid rain.

Nitric monoxide (N₂O) allow for greenhouse effect and ozone depletion.

Hydrogen chloride (HCl)

Hydrogen halide which made from chlorine and hydrogen.

It generated by activity of a volcano.

Substance responsible for acid rain.

pH (piː eɪtʃ)

Hydrogen ion (H+) content in water solution.

If it is one atmosphere, 25℃ and pH=7, it get called in neutrality.

The more pH is low, acidity is strong.

And the more pH is high, acidity is weak.

power of Hydrogen.

Carbon dioxide(CO2)

Gas which is show low acidity.

It generated by burning of material that contains carbon or activity of a volcano.

Substance responsible for rain is mild acidity from the first.


Aerosol layer which caused by large consumption of coal and oil.

Alternatively condition have poor visibility

because air contaminant is floating on air.

Calcium carbonate

Carbonates of calcium.

It is reactive with strong acid to form carbon dioxide.


Main constituent of cement.

Metallic element which is atomic number 20.

It belong Alkaline earth metal.

It is reactive with water to form hydrogen.

Formed calcium hydrate get called in limewater.

Strongly basic material.

Food self-sufficiency ratio

Barometer which show how much food

which is eaten in entire country is cater with interior.

Soot and dust

Particle of smut, burned embers and all.

Air pollution

A word which betokens air becoming pollution because of organic substance

which is included  factory smoke, car exhaust emission and all.


Area which is higher air pressure than circuit.

In it is low humidity and commonly fine weather.

But margin can be cloudy, rain and snow.


The state that respiratory movement aggravated pathologically.

We would lapse into it when gas exchange

which transact in the lungs is encumber and oxygen

which is enough for the organization is not supplied from any cause.

Breathing would become shallowly and frequently,

muscles other than breathing muscle get in breath movementand we should suffer.


Atmosphere which is from land surface to tropopause.

It is located beneath stratosphere.

We could watch weather phenomenon as exemplified by,

high and low pressure and flux and reflux of cloud.

Air mass

Huge agglomerate which have horizontally-averaged equable.

It come into being when atmosphere become diminished in widespread area.

It can divide into continental air mass and maritime air mass

and can subdivide into the Ogasawara air mass and the Okhotsk Sea air mass.

Yellow dust

Phenomenon which yellow dust cover the sky

and convect downward in northwestern area of China.

It come into being frequent around March to May.

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