

What is acid rain?Impact

Impacts can be classified under three headings.

1.Impact to animals

2.Impact to plants

3.Impact to buildings

1.Impact to animals

Acid rain impacts us without our being aware of it.

You may have the misconception that acid rain causes little damage.

Acid rain damage actually does impact us!

Metal such as copper in acid rain is eaten by plankton.

That plankton is eaten by a little fish, and that a little fish is eaten by a big fish.

That big fish is eaten by us.

It is said biological concentration, chemical is condensation for food chain.

We are impact of acid rain for biological concentration.

A living thing in rivers, lakes and marshes perishes in under pH4.5

Be able to preserve one´s survival like some of insect, plankton and waterweed ware resistant to acid.

If it collapses, the ecosystem will be beyond repair.

2.Impact to plants

You may be aware of this, because one often hears of it in the news.

One famous impact is the withered plant residue in the Black Forest in Germany.

Similar phenomenon occurring in many parts of the world.

Tree begin to wither in broad leaf forest and conifer forest in the mountain range is 1000〜2000 meters

in the neighborhood of an urban area!

Air pollutants in the city have been falling along with the rain

3.Impact to buildings

It sometimes happens that acid rain dissolves concrete buildings.

Acids have ability to dissolve calcium carbonate Carbonates of calcium.
It is reactive with strong acid to form carbon dioxide.

Which means that concrete, which consists chiefly of calcium carbonate, can be dissolved, too.

Thus carbonate is dissolved and gets hard again on contact with the CO2 in the atmosphere

Concrete icicles are formed in this manner.

Chemical equation : CaCO3 + 2H^+ →Ca^2+ + H2O + CO2

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