

An author and a copyright holder

It is almost the case that the person for whom the author completed the work fundamentally becomes an author, and has a right of copyright. However, the author who made the work may not turn into a copyright holder. The author of a movie is raised as the example. The author of a movie becomes the motion picture producer and film director who completed the movie as a whole. However, when having participated in these authors making a movie, the person who completed the movie of the movie company will have a right of copyright. Fundamentally, when an author begins to make a work, copyright occurs. As long as there is no special thing, the author will have a right of the work. Generally, copyright is enabled to give, and if an author grants copyright, the given person will become a copyright holder. Moreover, the author has to write the right about use of the right of an adaptation, and a secondary work to a contract etc., when granting copyright. since -- if all copyrights clarify Which portion is given?
since it can give or only a part can be given, they are convenient.

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