

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

Seen from foreign country <Bad point>

It goes without saying that "Omotenashi" appropriate to the characteristic of the land there is strengthened for the Tokyo Olympics of 2020 in area of any place in Japan of these days.
Therefore I am accompanied and watch "Omotenashi" that I watched this time from the foreign countries of Japan.
Japanese omotenasi is appreciated from the foreign countries.
Therefore we asked a foreigner and transferred overseas parson.
Here, we want to raise a disappointing example of the omotenasi of Japan.

There are the points that a point and the explanation that a credit card is not usable in the point where the services of the foreign language are not spread as for points dissatisfied with of "Omotenashi" in Japan including it for a foreigner still more or a small shop lack.


・The point where the service of the foreign language is insufficient
  There will be a lot of foreigners who experienced it such as being late for planned time even if I ask a person nearby a way because there are few people who can speak English without being able to arrive at the objective place in a place becoming the complicated structure of subway and building streets. In addition, there is not a menu list of the English notation and does not understand it in restaurants what the menu is and there is not an English channel and thinks that there are many people who felt dissatisfied with to TV in the hotel.


・Point with a few shops where a credit card is usable
  There are many shops of the cash payment in Japan, and there may be few shops supporting various types of credit cards. When there are few places to be able to take down cash by a bank card on hand, in addition to it, there will be much dissatisfaction over the settlement of accounts means. In addition, until is the story that asked the foreigner of the friend, but notice the seal of a credit card put on the shop; by the card it seems to have possibilities to be said that was convinced that cannot pay it.
・The point where explanation is short
 Only because this is the first time, it will not be often revealed that I am ordinary for a Japanese for the foreigner. However, the Japanese salesclerk does not show the behavior to mind, and it seems to be often said that I contact with manual reason.


・The point where maintenance of the free Wi-Fi is delayed by

 The free Wi-Fi environment is natural in the foreign countries. I can use free Wi-Fi at a park, means of transportation, various places including the hotel as well as a restaurant in the United States.
There is the one which a person is a lot which I cannot contract, and uses the prepaid carrying with the mobile carrier including the person of emigration in the background where Wi-Fi spread in the United States. The public Wi-Fi to be usable without a contract increased in response to the demand to want to connect to the net willingly from such a layer.
In addition, the reason why Wi-Fi Internet access of Japan is charged is that measures costs of the personal information leakage increase, and setting cost rises.


・Japanese is not positive

Characteristics of Japanese include that we are not positive.
Few people can volunteer activities. And volunteer spirit dose not  root in them.
So, The family who asked me a question said: They lodge a foreigner with homestay.