Kunisaki and Usa

   Although Kunisaki and Usa area had not progressed with paddy fields, people there need to grow other food to maintain their lives. Then they have made shiitake mushroom bed Kunugi's, a kind of oak, log traditionally. Kunugi's log supplies nutrition to shiitake mushroom. This system is important for this area.

   Producing shiitake mushroom have a good influence on the preservation of the environment.

   The soil with a lot of Kunugi leaves soaks up the rain, and then the rain changes into spring water with much nutrition. This water has rich nutrition of phytoplankton and seaweed, and supports agriculture and coastal fishery. So, it can preserve biodiversity.

   The farmers once grow rice with limited areas and shiitake mushroom. Now, they grow more kinds of food like meats, green onions, or oranges. Some of them harvested there are getting famous today. "Sichitoi" is especially made only in Kunisaki.

Where is "GIAHS" in Kunisaki?

