Kyokuchu Hatto

What is the Kyokuchu Hatto.

At the place which vigorous samurais assemble, Kyokuchu Hatto is a very strict rulesShinsengumi member should obey.

However, there are several theories about this ...

The word Kyokuchu Hatto was first found in 『新撰組始末記』(Shinsengumi Shimatsuki) which was publish in 1928.
After that、there no records and books using the word Kyokuchu Hatto.
The word Kyokuchu Hatto is not existed in 『新選組顚末記』(Shinsengumi tenmatsuki) written by Nagakura Shinpachi(→人物) who left full many a record of Shinsengumi.
However,there was the rule called "the ban", but there were few contents

The person who wrote 『新選組始末記』(Shinsengumi Shimatsuki) may rewite『禁令』as Kyokuchu Hatto.

Anyway the Shinsengumi had a severe rule first of all

Original sentence

Modern translation
