Current status of bicycles in Japan
Number of bicycles owned
The number of bicycles owned in Japan is approximately 72 million units (2013), which is almost the same as the number of car owners. The number of bicycle ownership has increased, which is about 2.6 times compared with 1970. In addition, the number of bicycles owned per capita is 0.67, which is also higher than those of Western countries, which are developed countries of bicycles.
Source:自転車交通 - 国土交通省 "
Bicycle diversification
Speaking of bicycles, there were many bicycles made for use in everyday life called so-called "mama Chari" in the past, but in recent years the number of sports cars, electric assisted vehicles, etc. sold has increased rapidly. It shows the diversification of use of bicycles as well as the legs of living.
Source:自転車交通 - 国土交通省 "