
Simple Site


Thank you for visiting our website.
How did you like it? On March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Great Earthquake happened, we were still in elementary school. Even though we did not understand anything at the time, we had a sense that terrible thing had happened. Now, we became high school students and gained various knowledge about the structure of the nuclear power plant and radioactive waste and its treatment method. And when we looked at the things that we didn’t know, we felt that all the problems were connected to each other. We wanted our friends to learn that as well. So we decided to develop a material for high school students to face some important issues in Japan, using objective, comprehensive information. This website was produced by four high school girls, some had a certain knowledge about the topic while others don’t. We all had a different knowledge level and backgrounds, and this website reflects all of our standpoints. And we hope that this material is easy to understand for all the high school students. Did you know the terms "geological disposal" and "radioactive waste", and its summary? There may not be much direct connection to our everyday lives. However, this is strongly related to the energy issues that Japan faces. It is an incomprehensible question in thinking about the future of Japan and we have a responsibility to have the correct knowledge and our own opinions as Japanese citizens to lead the next generation. It would be greatly appreciated if you could use this website as opportunity to consider yourself, instead of just being passive, simply listening to what you hear from the news.
Finally, we would like to thank Mr. Kaku NUMO, Ms. Nishiura, the Federation of Electric Power Companies of the Japan Federation of Electric Power Companies, our school teachers who helped us, and our friends who cooperated in our surveys.