Graynet-SNS-Advantage & Disadvantage

merits and demerits of using

various influencers and
SNS and social media where strangers gather.
In addition, there are merits and demerits by using it.
Let's know the contents with the graph.


And as I realized when I was using it,
We feel various disadvantages when using social media
                       You can see it from the graph.

through controversial dissemination of information「fire 」and As you can see in graph II, "spoofing"
There are various demerits.

It is not interesting just to show the consideration.
We considered the demerits other than the trouble.

I was so worried about the reply from the other party.
I feel uneasy if I can't check it.

They neglect their study and work.

My eyesight gets worse.
It is not limited to SNS.

Lack of sleep affects the next day.

Our shoulders hurt when I use them too much. (shoulder stiffness)
My shoulders are stiff.

Talking with strangers is dangerous, isn't it?

There were many disadvantages in terms of health .
I was given the precious mind and body,
Don't break it with SNS (smartphones, etc.).
You can set a time and avoid unnecessary comments.
Try to use it moderately!

Graph II

In Japan, the percentage of people who had some sort of trouble was 23.2%, in the United States 56.9%, in Germany 50.0%, and in the United Kingdom 49.2%.
※Source: "Research on ICT Inclusion" (2018), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications


Of course, I feel not only disadvantages but also advantages.

If you look at the graph, 73.1% of the users in Japan
"I'm glad I stayed." That is,
You can see that they think, "There was a benefit.".

Also, Japanese people say, "gathering information"
Like "games and videos to kill time"
Content sent from others
I think it's easy to feel the benefits.

However, this content can be a disadvantage.
For more information, see "media literacy" on page " Media ".

Graph I

73.1% of users in Japan were happy to use it. In other words, I think there was a merit.
※Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Research on ICT Inclusion"
From (2018, Japan, multiple answers allowed)


  • Japanese are apt to feel the merit of "Content sent from other people"!?
  • The demerits range from troubles to health, and the number of them is unfathomable!

Next, I recommend you to learn "Chat" of "Present world"!