

Question of Ehon

Everybody, have you ever thought,
I have heard it, but I don't know why?
Sometimes, have you ever given up knowing the reason because it’s hard to find out, even though you were interested?

In this page, we will focus on some ambiguous part of Ehon and solve it from a scientific perspective about
the following two questions!

Relationship with academic ability

Healing effect

Q1,Is Ehon related to academic ability?

Storytelling of Ehon has the power to improve scholastic ability of children.
This was revealed in the announcement by the National Institute for Educational Policy Research based on
the result of "National scholastic ability and learning situation survey (Extremely detailed investigation)" of 2012 which the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Educational Policy Research jointly implement.
This is a survey of questionnaires on learning habits and lifestyle habits in addition to national language and arithmetic (mathematics) ability test to 6th grade elementary school and 3rd grade junior high school.
And the achievement survey was composed of basic and advanced questions, respectively.

Generally, academic ability tends to be proportional to SES (Socio-Economic Statue) of home.
In particular, the effects of inheritance from parents are greatly reflected.

On the other hand, some students have
high academic ability in spite of low SES.

One thing they have in common is that

they received storytelling of Ehon in their childhood.

Comparing students who had storytelling of Ehon in
their childhood with students who did not, the correct answer rate for the same question was higher for all questions in the students who had storytelling.

In addition, further experiments were conducted to confirm that these findings were not related to home SES.
As a result, it was found that storytelling of Ehon has
the effect of improving academic abilities, regardless of SES, attitudes of the parent toward education and their expectations for children.

It is said that about 80% of the brain is completed by
the age of three and about 90% by the age of six.
Childhood stimulation is very important.
