
There were two things I thought were important through the web contest.
One is teamwork.
We were all in the first year of high school, and we started to play together in April and in May when we formed a club. From there, building a website was not going well.

Because only Matsushima, the president of the club, could do programming at all, the allocation of work was biased. However, as we got used to school and got to know each other better through daily interactions, we gradually formed a united team. As a result, we have been able to solve various issues by working together.

I learned the importance of teamwork from this experience.
Secondly, I learned the importance of interviews as I researched the vacant house issue.

By interviewing Mr. Kumada and Mr. Nakanowatari, I felt that listening to the opinions of experts was an effective way to obtain very good information in terms of obtaining opinions from different perspectives and in-depth knowledge. Furthermore, you can only get information one-sidedly by looking at information on the Internet. But with interviews, we can get information back and forth to each other, so we can make new discoveries through discussion. I think this is the merit of the interview.

By looking into the problem of vacant houses, I was able to find out the serious situation of vacant houses in Japan and come up with possible solutions. By reducing the number of vacant houses and changing to the stock type, Japan in the future will be better.

I hope that developing countries will be able to take advantage of Japan's precedent and solve problems in the event of a situation like Japan's. Through this web contest, we gained a better understanding of vacant houses, and at the same time, we were able to grow and be reborn by renovating ourselves. We will use this experience to make the programming club better.

Judging from the whole of Vacant Houses -Still Unsettled-, my contribution was small. Besides, I wasn’t ready to carry out self-administration ,and I got a lot advice from members. However, I was able to accomplish growth most and mention the human warmth of the members. I’m proud that own work becomes available in splendid website. I think that is the big turning point of the life for these about nine months, and today's friend is that it is to a lifetime friend among me. E

What I felt was important through this web contest was the division of roles utilizing the unique characteristics of the members and the fact that I discovered various things by digging deep into the things that are usually taken up casually. What I regret about this activity is that I couldn't make the most of my strength compared to the people around me. With this in mind, I ’ d like to take an active role in the group with interest in various things. D

I had a lot of difficulties when I applied for the National Junior and Senior High School Web Contest. One of them was starting from scratch, with no knowledge of web page creation. For that reason, I always relied on Matsushima, our leader, and I didn't know what I could do among them. My strength is that I am geographically strong and know a lot about different places. So, we made use of that advantage and made plans such as field surveys. There were many good things in this activity besides the hard work. One of them is that through this activity, the relationship between the five members naturally deepened, and the relationship between friends, which I had been anxious about when I entered the school, is progressing smoothly. In addition, I am full of gratitude to the people who cooperated in creating this web page, the people who supported me, and the members. Thank you very much. C

Through the web contest, I felt the importance of working as a team. Since the club was active when it was founded, people have gradually left Web contest. And only a limited number of people started working actively, so my work was passive. But one day, I thought about what I was doing and started actively creating Web pages. When I was mainly in charge of writing and put a lot of effort, I was able to work much faster than before. I felt ashamed that I had not been able to change my mind for a long time. From this point on, when I collaborated with everyone to create the Web, my work became so much different. The road to the deadline was not clear, but I was able to submit the "Vacant Houses --Still Unsettled-- " safely. I ’ d like to understand the importance of teamwork and do my best for the club activities. B

This time, I played a central role in the preparation, but I felt that it was especially difficult for the team to think about something together and distribute tasks to the members without having any experience in such independent group production activities. However, as we got closer to the end of the process of creating the site, we became able to cooperate with each other, and for the first time in our activities outside of school, we applied for interviews and conducted interviews by ourselves. To those who have told us valuable stories, to those who have supported our production activities, to our team members, to those who have given us the opportunity to participate in the National Junior and Senior High School Web Contest, and to those who have visited our site. Thank you very much. A