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I think there are many things that you are having trouble with the activities of “Food Bank”.!
Foodbank Chiba is not a company, so it is not paid, and it is made up of financial support from companies and members who can cooperate with each other.
Therefore, " stable " activities are difficult and difficult.
Furthermore, what is troubled by daily activities is that it is difficult to control the amount of food.
Donations can be high or low. In addition, even if you donate just sweets, nutrition will be biased, so it is ideal to have a uniform range of foods at all times.
So, are there any things that you feel especially grateful for donating?
The first is rice . Rice is a staple food and is almost always included when boxed.
Also, I think it is convenient to use food that can be eaten quickly, such as retort food , which has a long storage period.
I see.
Even if it is a food loss measure, does it still remain in the food bank?
Sometimes it's at the back of the shelf and the expiration date has expired.
In addition, there are times when a lot of food arrives from companies etc. at once and can not be consumed。
After all, controlling the amount of food is difficult.
The story changes a bit, but is the mainstream of the food bank method of delivering boxed food items to the applicant?
There are places other than food banks, such as children's cafeterias and cooking events, but food banks are usually delivered to homes by home delivery.
Many people do not want others to know that they are receiving support from the food bank, so there is an advantage that if you deliver it by home delivery, the neighbors do not think anything.
However, in the case of groups such as welfare facilities, they often come to pick up directly by car.
Thank you for answering the question in detail.