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Many foods are brought to the Japan Food Ecology Center.
What are the most recycled foods?


No.1 is rice.
It is often brought from convenience stores.


Some of the foods brought in which have expired ...
Can pigs eat them?


Even if the expiration date has expired, after all, it's okay to be a little rotten because it's fermented!


How much do you recycle a day?


About 35 tons.


Are there any foods that cannot be recycled?


Food that pigs are not good at can not be recycled....
For example, raw meat and large amounts of spices are not accepted.


Are there any foods that have been transported but cannot be recycled??


It is almost!
It is about 0.5% ~ 1% a day.


It's a personal question, why did you decide to work for this company?


I originally worked for a publisher.But I am interested in environment and social welfare. So I came to this company.


Is it social "welfare"...?


In fact, at this company, people with disabilities help with the work of opening the food they receive.
This company also focuses on social welfare activities.


A company that changes society, everyone who works is also wonderful!





Thank you very much to the Japan Food Ecology Center!!