
Biotechnology in our daily lives

Fermented foods, which we are all familiar with, are another example of biotechnology. One example is cheese. Cheese is made by adding lactic acid bacteria and enzymes (rennet) to raw milk to curdle the milk, and then breaking down the milk proteins and fats through the action of mold. Fermentation is also used to make beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages.


Making water safe

Japan's clean tap water is also made possible by the power of biotechnology.
For example, water filtration is done with the help of microorganisms. Water is made safe and clean by passing it through sand containing self-cleaning microorganisms such as crane beetles and trichocerca.

In addition to microorganisms, there are other organisms that play an active role in water purification plants.
In Chiba Prefecture, goldfish are taken into the water purification plant to monitor their movements. If the goldfish behave differently than usual or start to act violently, the water quality is checked to ensure the safety of the water.

  • There are many biotechnologies in our daily lives.
  • There is biotechnology in the water that you drink everyday!

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