Future>Future biopharmaceutical

Future of Biopharmaceuticals

Biopharmaceuticals with the Development of Genome Analysis

Have you ever heard of genome analysis? Genome analysis is the analysis of genetic information, which can now be decoded using computers. The human genome analysis has already been completed, but we still only know the "blueprint" in the form of sequences, and not the roles and functions of individual genes. However, as the research progresses and the roles and functions become clearer, the fields of tailor-made treatment and preventive medicine will rapidly develop.

Establishment of the treatment process

The evolution of technology is essential for the spread of biopharmaceuticals, but at the same time, the process of treatment using biopharmaceuticals must be established.
Because biopharmaceuticals are derived from living organisms, it is difficult to control their quality and stabilize their efficacy, and many manufacturing rights standards must be met. Many people's cooperation is needed before biopharmaceuticals can reach patients. The national budget for biotechnology is increasing year by year, and the government is actively training human resources.

Toward the Realization of a Healthy Society ~Efforts in Japan~

With the advent of biopharmaceuticals, medical options are becoming more diverse. In Japan, efforts are being made to further develop medical care through the integration of engineering technologies. The University of Tokyo is aiming for health reform in a new field through cooperation between engineering and medical fields such as biopharmaceuticals under the concept of "a healthy society" that protects itself. In the future, biopharmaceuticals may be seen not as "medicine" but as a pawn in the realization of a "healthy society".


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