
History of Biotechnology

The term "biotechnology" may sound like a cutting-edge technology today, but in fact, it has been around since long before we were born!

Biotechnology in the Edo Period ~Fermentation Technology~

Fermentation is one of the biotechnologies that we are all familiar with, such as cheese and natto. Although the term "biotechnology" was not used in the Edo period, fermentation technology was used in the production of sake and soy sauce.

Biotechnology in the Edo Period ~Breeding~

There was a horticultural boom in the Edo period, and breeding was carried out. One of them was the Someiyoshino.

During the Edo period, the popularity of cherry blossoms spread from the upper class to the general public, and the Someiyoshino was born in response to this popularity. Someiyoshino is one of the most beautiful hybrids created by crossing Edhigan and Oshima cherry trees, and in order to maintain its beauty, Someiyoshino branches are inserted into the trunks of other cherry trees, a technique called "grafting". Therefore, all Someiyoshino trees in Japan are clones. By using these cuttings, we can mass-produce Someiyoshino trees with the same genes and enjoy viewing cherry blossoms. (There are various theories.)

  • Biotechnology has been around forever!
  • Biotechnology is also involved in Someiyoshino, the cherry blossom viewing season!
  • Biotechnology also has something to do with food!(like fermentation).
Variegated morning glories and goldfish are also examples of breeding. These have also been enjoyed as ornamental plants for a long time.

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