The price of tea supplies is gradually increasing.This is because of the weak
yen, the situation in Ukraine, and fertilizer export restrictions.these have
put many companies in a difficult situation.
Tea farmers are no exception.The increase in the price of equipment, export restrictions.on fertilizers, and other factors have taken a heavy toll on producer income for tea farmers who use a lot of fertilizers and large amountsof oil.
We are taking measures to lighten this situation as much as possible.
We are making use of government and administrative subsidies (which do
not apply to Hokkaido and Kyushu, as their cultivation conditions and the
amount of subsidies are different) and JA is reducing fertilizer
and heavy oil supply prices as much as possible to lighten the burden on
producers.On the producer's side, relatively inexpensive compost is being
substituted and fertilizer design is being reviewed.
However, there are limits to what can be done on the part of JA and producers, and we are seeking support from the government.
In addition, in this surrounding area, through the Mie Tea Industry Association, the "Ise-cha" brand is being promoted and efforts are being made to inform consumers as much as possible.